
The Covid-19 pandemic

During 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic has spread across the world closing public spaces including schools, businesses and places of worship.  The UK entered a period of lockdown in March which then began to be eased in the UK from May.

On the Life on the Breadline blog we have hosted guest blog posts to hear about the impact of Covid-19 on communities, charities and organisations in the UK first in summer of 2020, and then six months later in winter of 2020 and early 2021.  Click on the links below to find out more:

Winter 2020

A neighbourly response to Covid-19: 6 months later

Paul Wright, a Street Connector Mentor on the Firs and Bromford estate in Birmingham, reflected on asset-based community development 6 months into the Covid-19 pandemic.

Does Covid-19 mean foodbanks are here for good? – 6 months later

Bob Jefford, a foodbank volunteer, revisits the question of whether the impact of Covid-19 on foodbanks will mean that foodbanks become ingrained in UK society.

Homelessness and Covid-19: 6 months later

Next we heard again from Rebecca Stockman who works with YMCA St Paul’s Group in delivering Merton Winter Night Shelter.  She updated us on how responding to homelessness has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

How will disabled people manage through the Covid-19 pandemic? – 9 months on

Disability activist and blogger, Hannah Deakin, reflected 9 months after her first blog post for Life on the Breadline on disability and the pandemic in the UK.

Summer 2020

A neighbourly response to Covid-19

In our first guest blog post, Paul Wright shared about his experience of asset-based community development as a Street Connector Mentor in Birmingham at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020.

Does Covid-19 mean foodbanks are here for good?

In our second guest blog post Bob Jefford, a foodbank volunteer, reflects on the impact of Covid-19 on foodbanks and questions whether it will mean that foodbanks become ingrained in UK society.

Citizens Advice during the Lockdown

In our third guest blog post we heard from a volunteer at Citizens Advice in Surrey about how Covid-19 has affected the help people are asking for, particularly in relation to employment and benefits.

How will disabled people manage through the Coronavirus crisis?

In our fourth guest post Hannah Deakin, a disability blogger and activist, explores the impact of Covid-19 on the disabled community in the UK – “The disabled community are used to these battles, but it concerns me that the biggest one may yet to be endured.”

Becoming a doorstep community

In our fifth guest blog post we heard hear from Naomi Maynard, a food pantry volunteer in Liverpool about how the food pantry is adapting to Covid-19 to develop a sense doorstep community whilst they are unable to meet in person at the pantry.

Homelessness and Covid-19

In our sixth guest blog post we heard from Rebecca Stockman who works with YMCA St Paul’s Group in delivering Merton Winter Night Shelter.  Rebecca shares her experiences and reflections of being involved with the night shelter and people who are homeless during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Experiences of being a Priest in a Pandemic

In our seventh guest blog post we heard from Suzanne Vernon Yorke who is a Church of England priest in London.  Suzanne shared with us her experience of being a priest in the pandemic.

Holiday hunger provision during Covid-19 – how TLG Make Lunch is adapting

In our eighth guest blog post TLG shared the work that their MakeLunch programme and volunteers have been undertaking to combat children’s holiday hunger during the pandemic.

Challenging food poverty through empowerment and participation

In our ninth guest blog post we heard from Val Barron, a community practitioner and William Temple Scholar, who reflected on how we can challenge food poverty through empowerment and participation.

Food Insecurity and Covid-19 in Stoke-on-Trent

Our tenth guest blog came from Alison Briggs who is a 2nd year PhD student at the University of Manchester.  Her research explores experiences of food insecurity in and through the relational spaces of family, friendships and other social relations.

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